Monday, March 19, 2018

Time May Change Me...

I got married today. We didn’t have a full wedding, or any kind of fancy ceremony, just signing some paperwork, taking some cute pictures, and then a nice lunch with my parents. All things considered, everything is still the same as it was yesterday, but maybe the feeling just hasn’t set in yet. 

I realized it’s been almost two years since my last post, and since most of you reading follow me through other media outlets, I don’t feel as bad for not being active, but let me tell you, a lot has changed.

The simple things to mention are how my husband and I (I guess he is my husband now, rather than just my editor but it still feels weird), well, we bought a house last fall and moved, bringing our roommates with us too and they live in the basement (it’s actually really great having friends so close, we all get along really well), I had to say goodbye to my loyal car at the end of January since it finally had too many problems to even crawl along with, so we replaced it with a zippy little Japanese car, and finally I left my job at the assisted living home and next month I’ll be working with the post office instead. I won’t go in to much about working at the hospital or doing ride share stuff, but I’m doing enough to get by.

Though it’s been over a year since I finished the rough draft of my novel, we haven’t quite done anything with it yet aside from realize I pretty much need to start over cause we’ve changed so much but honestly it’s for the best and I can’t wait to share the city of Oasis with all of you. 

Will I keep updating here? Probably not. But I at least wanted to make some kind of thing to commemorate today, though otherwise it was just like any other Monday.

Life is weird.

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