Saturday, June 29, 2013

Mowwage. . . Mowwage is whhat bwings us togwethaa, todahy.

In a few hours I will be going to one of my editor's friends wedding, so, I feel like the above is appropriate. 

I hate to say it. But I am slowly running out of ideas of what to write. While I am driving or when I am stuck at work, my brain is overflowing with ideas that I would love to put on paper (type on a computer, really). I was thinking that perhaps I should obtain a voice recorder and keep it on my person at all times that way I can always remember the things I want to revisit later in some media or another.

I have lost many a great idea to the corners of my subconscious. I wish I knew which ones i forgot, but if I could remember the things I forgot, I wouldn't really have forgotten them, right?

Memory is funny like that.

Good news is that we have moved locations and I still have Internet! Last time we were here, there was unfortunately no wifi. #firstworldproblems

Ok, really, I don't have anything left to talk about, at least nothing profound. So. . . Yeah. . . 


  1. I feel your pain. After more than 70 posts, I struggle a bit to find topics sometimes too. It's what I'm doing right now. But keep at it. It gets easier to just start writing and let it surprise you when it's done. I'm enjoying reading so far.

  2. Youse guys, free your minds from straining for topics. Just let them present themselves to you. Quiet, I think I see one strolling this way.
