Sunday, September 15, 2013

For What Its Worth

you're going to have to forgive me, I'm typing on an actual computer, which means that my spelling and typing are going to get ugly, fast.

Another day flew by, and this time the feeling of helplessness set in. There really wasn't that much we could do for the house today. The carpets were ripped out, which is great for letting the house get dry, but they might not be replaced for another month or so. this is going to be a rough month. I talked to one of the people on the crew, and asked them if we could choose to get something besides carpets. They gave me a hopeful answer, so lets keep our fingers crossed.

IF we can choose what happens to our homes, I would prefer all the flooring (including the rather nice tile we have) to be replaced with other tile or something like that. If that means that they would cover the cost of the materials (or some of it), I would be happy to provide the labor to take out and replace the floor. I would also be happy to buy some rugs to cover us some of the other areas.

ALSO, if it is possible, I would love to take a hand saw to our ugly wood counter tops, and shave off the faux-bar top that is currently there. That would add SO much more space for my living room, even if it means loosing some counter space, but it is a sacrifice i am willing to make.

well, im tired. and i need to eat before i have any more of this wine. . . DINNER! hurry up and be cooked!!!!

k bye.

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