Wednesday, September 18, 2013

In the animal pen

Every night for the past week, I have been crammed into a small room with at least 7 animals. I am grateful for the roof over our head which is not our own, but I absolutely cannot wait to at least have my own bed and space to exist in. Between my sister's overly needy dog (who is currently begging for my attention to let her on the bed), and her absolutely insane cat who has done nothing but continuously try to escape captivity, I have my hands full. I can't sleep without either of them glued to my side! Soon, I will be able to return these little monsters to their mother, and then SHE can deal with them. (Though, I have no problem keeping her perfect little grey kitty, who's biggest problem is not being able to eat all of her treats at once). 
From the left, my Rio, then my sister's cats Ralphie and Stone, who is snuggled on the blankets.

I feel bad, because I don't think I have been able to properly take care of my own babies, who are just as needy. I want to spend more time paying attention to them, but these overly needy animals demand all my attention. I guess I ought to be grateful that they are all getting along (for the most part). All I really want is a good nights sleep.

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