Sunday, February 2, 2014

Don't want to be all by myself

when my mom first started her blog, it was all about her and my father's adventures with their "park" and with all their animals, or something like that. Right around the end of last April (I think), my dad went off to who knows where for a year long deployment (which is quickly turning into a year+ deployment). I was the day before or the day of (I forget) his departure when I really started reading her blog. The first thing I read was how she didn't want him to leave and how she really loves him. I had to stop at that point because I was at work and that was not the place to be crying my eyes out.

it was an odd thing to realize, knowing how much my parents do care about each other, regardless of how often they fought when I was younger. They have a very strong relationship and it has taught me that things are worth working through the hardships because it makes the good parts that much better. It makes me feel a bit better, knowing that they didn't just stay together for mine and my sister's sake, but for their own sakes as well.

about an hour before I had to go to work, my editor left for his 6 month long internship. Its going to be lonely without him around. It won't be nearly as bad as what my mom has been going through with my dad gone, but I sympathize and understand her feelings. We spent last night cleaning up what we could and finished packing up his truck this morning.

neither of us wanted to leave the other, but we keep having to tell ourselves that this is for the best. This is a chance for both of us to take a step back and take a good look at our lives and our relationship. We're been through a lot already, so this should be easy, right?

I just hope the weather stays clear while he's on the road.

(link to my moms blog because reasons)

go read ALL OF IT

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