Monday, March 14, 2016

Countdown to 5 years: 5 reasons why I love you: 1

On March 19, 2011, my relationship with my editor began. We've been through a lot since then, but I wanted to take a quick moment on the five days leading to our official anniversary by saying one thing about my editor that l love. (Wow, that was a run on sentence. Sorry.)


1. You GET me. I mean that, you really do understand me. From knowing how to translate my nonsense words to knowing what all my little twitches and wiggles mean, you've become quite fluent in Veronica speak. Sure, you're not nearly as fluent as say, my mother (whom has 20 more years of practice on top of a seemingly unbreakable and invisible  umbilical cord), but you get all my nerd jargon and you understand what I mean when I say things like "you are poop" or "that is poop" or "poop poop poop poop" and so on. You know exactly what I want when I say "Scratchies" and understand what all my little faces mean, especially the "Dolan" face. We have more inside jokes than I can keep track of and every day there are more. The whole reason I call you my editor is because I trust you with helping make sense of all my words.

 Our very first night that we truly had together (before we actually started dating) was spent talking to each other until the god awful hours of the morning. You drove down in your little white truck in the middle of a New Mexican blizzard just to see me, you even crashed your car on your way and probably should have turned around (since you had barely left town) but you came to see me anyway. That night we shared so much about our interests and learned just how much we already had in common. You were the first person that I had really explained my story and concept to and you listened to every word with excitement. To this day you are the only person who knows so much about Elements and thanks to you its universe has become so much more and you're always helping me with new ideas. Even from that moment I was excited to have you as a roommate.

I never get tired of talking to you, regardless of the topic. I've lost count of how often we spend lying awake talking to each other rather than sleeping. Even if we end up talking about the same things over and over and over its still fun to do. Aside from the cats, you are the one person I never get sick of being around and I really do mean it when I say I always want to be with you always.

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