Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I Feel it in My Bones

in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out

I spent so much of my day traveling back and forth between these two cities which I'm required to be in. Yesterday I only went to class and stayed 'home' and cleaned everything, today I made up my lost travel time.

Do you remember how I was complaining about how it was a waste of time for me to go in to work for an hour of computer training that I could have completed the day before? Yeah, guess who had go in for another 8 hours of computer training today? A 9 to 5 shift sounded fine until I realized that I didn't have any more courses to do. That's right, I went to a day of training that I finished 3 days ago. So after sitting and picking my nose for 2 hours, I showed my manager that I had completed everything already and went home.

I stomped over to my sister's place while on the phone with my mother. I lectured her about raising her children to be intelligent, competent, literate, and decent human beings, to which she laughed at me and said, and I quote, "Oops, my bad." So I proceeded to borrow my sister's computer to look up other places I could live until my home is repaired. Offering to accompany me to one of the possible locations, I took her back with me to our temporary residence, also so she could see her pets. We never did go and check out the possible housing, instead I made lunch and watched as her cat started fishing for the pasta I had made. We all about died of laughter.

shortly before my editor had to leave for school, I received a call from my manager, asking me to come in to work, and cover for someone ASAP. So, I did.

After contemplating some bizarre vehicle roulette, we all piled in one car and drove back to our city of residence. I ran into work and kind of wandered around awkwardly until someone acknowledged I was there and ready to work. Apparently, I wasn't supposed to be in until 6, and it was 3. Goddamnit.

the shift itself wasn't even that difficult, just busy. Right before I went on break, my editor and a few friends showed up, what a pleasant surprise!

since my editor was now my ride home, he was able to sit and hang out until the shift was over. And now we're home, kinda.

forget doing any homework, I'm exhausted.

Ok bye.

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