Tuesday, December 24, 2013


it won't be long now, with only a few more hours left in the day, until Santa makes his magical journey. And by magical journey I mean I get to wake up (possibly in the middle of the night or early in the morning) and stuff the rest of the crap I got into our stockings.

sorry kids, but its true. That's right. I AM SANTA CLAUS!!!!

but seriously, I just hope they manage not to fall off the mantle and avoid getting nommed on by the various creatures in the house. And speaking of which, I really want to put out some milk and cookies, but also leave a note for Santa saying"I wouldn't drink the milk, the cats probably drank out of it. And sorry if the dog ate your cookies." I know its a terrible idea, but I really want to go all out on the "magic of Santa" nonsense this year.

I guess you can blame my parents for all this. They always managed to make every holiday fun and special, and I can't help but get lost in the spirit. Even once we knew Santa was just a facade, Christmas was still special. In fact, it became a lot more fun once I learned how to become a Santa myself.

sure I still get sick of all the stupid and overplayed music, and I roll my eyes at people freaking out over some material object. And I would like to actually have money for more than five minutes. However I'm a sucker for the holidays and I probably will continue to be.

now if you excuse me, I'm going to be waiting for the phone call I will get after my mother opens her gift and evacuates her bowels.

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