Tuesday, December 31, 2013

waiting for the ball to drop

Today has not been the best, and I guess it reflects the past year a little. I've been mopey and grumpy all day, and I just want to go home at this point.

I have to be grateful, I get two full days off starting tomorrow, but I have so much to accomplish, I don't really will have time off.

back when I was in elementary school, all the classes put on a little musical number of sorts. I remember very well the tune we sang. It started out as that new years song, auld ling syne, or something, but turned into this sweet little jingle about us kid's new years resolutions. As a message to our parents, it was all about us being better children, going to bed on time and eating all of our dinner, etc. Over the years, I've forgotten most of the song, but it still resonates with me.

I don't know if I will bother having a resolution this year, besides the typical ones of "do better, lose weight, make more money, etc" but I want to have some kind of goal.

if only I could figure out what it should be. . .

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