Saturday, December 7, 2013


for having to work at 5am, I didn't get any sleep last night. I tossed and turned and at one point, I might have as well as been on fire, I was so hot. Something wasn't right within my body and I didn't know how to combat it.

When it was time to wake up, my stomach clenched and cramped as soon as I tried to make an upright position. I was nauseous and didn't want to do much of anything. I tried to overcome my sickness, but I eventually caved and called the people who worked overnight, asking them for advice. I eventually settled on going into work until the morning manager came in for me to talk face to face with her. She said it was fine for me to leave after an hour, since I shouldn't be around the residents if I'm ill, contagious or not.

I returned to to comfort of my bed for another 6 hours, moving my editor out of the way so I could be by the cold window. I actually felt a little better when I had to walk through the cold. I took my temperature while I was at work, it was around 98.3, but my normal temperature is around 96.7, that felt like a fever to me.

about an hour before I had to wake up for work, I ended up overheating during the night. I had already stripped down to as little as possible and kicked off all the blankets when it happened. I couldn't get comfortable and I felt absolutely terrible. My editor noticed that I didn't have any blankets, so he tried covering me back up, thinking I must have been cold. Unfortunately, it was quite the opposite.

so I called out of my other job, saying if they couldn't find anyone I'd still come in, but they said don't worry about it. I had a few more hours to work on my math homework, and I finished all my work for the weekend. Now all I have to do is prepare for the final.

I'm still feeling fantastically terrible, so depending on how I feel in the morning, I may stay home another day. I feel bad for having to miss work, but with this questionable condition I am in, I don't think I should go.

well, I ought to get some rest, all my kitties have been waiting for me to go to bed, so I should join them.

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