Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Price of Freedom

I'm at a loss for words for today. I've been so busy with household things, that I kinda forgot how to exist, like, normally.

We've got a lot of big changes ahead for all of us, so I've got to spend all time I have getting ready. I mean, Yolo, right?

See, I've still got a sense of humor. Heh.

Good news is, I've got a three day weekend to mess around with, so that mean. . . Um. . . Minecraft? 

Well, I'm leaving for tonight, so, here's a picture from last night. Before every home football game, the marching band parades around the outdoor mall next to the college. I was in the band for a year, but it wasn't what I was interested in, so I left. My sister was in it for 5 years and my mom was in it while she was in college. Kind of like a family tradition, I guess. (I don't remember if my dad ever did marching band, he did play the trumpet, which my sister took over).

Ok, here you go.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Don't Expect Mercy From Such an Alliance

For what it's worth, today has gone surprisingly well. I haven't felt so content with life like this in a very long time, and considering the circumstances, I don't know if it's a good thing or not.

But I'm happy, and that's what matters.

Unfamiliar melodies are blowing around in the gentle wind as I am surrounding by familiar faces. These people who I wish I had connected with more when I had the time to, give me awkward smiles and we try and make small talk. A lot of time has passed, but its never too late to try and make something new, right?

Am I the only one who thinks this way? Who is this blindly optimistic? Am i just crazy?

Before i forget the night, i want to make something that I'd want to remember.

I guess it's time I join the festivities, wish me luck.

well, uh, YOLO.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Curiosity Killed the Cat

I'm one of those people who can't seem to stay out of trouble. I've always been one who had to know things for certain, experiencing things for myself rather than taking advice or warnings from others. So its no wonder that I get myself into a lot of trouble.

On the brighter side of things, my sister took me to a thrift store and we found this "too fancy for casual" silver dress, that is very reminiscent of Buttercup's wedding dress from The Princess Bride. I totally bought it.

I've put off actually doing a real post for today, but at least I starts with decent intention, right?

Well, see you on the other side.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Release the Kracken

I really hate the phrase "woke up on the wrong side of the bed" so much. The worst part is, that is exactly how I started my day out. Nothing was what I needed it to be, but I didn't exactly know what that was, either. . . 

I couldn't get comfortable in my own skin, I was either too hot or just in the wrong position. I was hoping that I would feel better after I showered, but it didn't help. I was still frustrated when I went to class, I relaxed a little, but the feeling didn't last. I had planned on hanging around campus for lunch and socializing with some acquaintances, but one of the people I really wanted to see wasn't there, the other was busy, and one more person who I tried starting a conversation with blew me off completely. So, I gave up and went home.

I was able to find comfort in watching "my programs" which consisted on videos about video games.  I was cutting it close for when I had to get to work, but after I arrived, I had realized I did not want to be at work. I was lucky enough to get off an hour early, which made my night much better.

Most of what I intended to write about today was how I felt like a raging dragon. But now that I've calmed down considerably, I completely lost all my mojo. My editor and I spent some time outside, just, taking. It was lovely out. So now I'm back inside, watching old MineCraft let's plays with my editor, drinking Lambic.

And watching Moosie try and eat my sandwich.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Blind Leading the Blind

This bothers me to no end, when I'm doing something and I realize that I'm doing it in the exact manner that would bother me if someone else did it. I hate being consumed in hypocrisy and hatred to a point where I will purposefully do or not do something because of someone else. Like, tell a joke in a certain way, or drive, or talk!!! Guaah! The list goes on and on!

What I am trying to stay is I hate catching myself being a hypocrite. I have no problem admitting when I'm being contradictory or something like that, but when I realize I'm doing something in a way that would bother me if someone else did it, I want to stab something.

It's like, well, "I know I hate it when X does Y, but when I do it, it's ok" kind of thing. I've always hated that and I've made a point to try and not do that, like, at all.

Well, that's all that's on my mind right now. The blockbuster down the street is going out of business, so I has a sad, but that does mean cheep movies and games for me. Woo.

Alright, I'm almost done with Mass Effect 3, than I need to focus on being an adult. . . For now.

Monday, August 26, 2013

The Flood That Washed Away The Sands of Old

Last night I saw a group on Facebook for the army base I used to live at in the Mojave Desert. The group had shared a picture of major flooding in front of the grocery store and shopping center. I didn't know how long ago that picture was taken, but after a little reading, I realized that it was from the weekend.

After viewing a few more pictures, I saw some places I had once been in, completely destroyed from the storm that hit the area. I don't know quite how to wrap my brain around all of this. I have already come to terms with having left this place and seeing it change with no regard to those who once lived there. (Though the thought of a place not being able to improve its area because some people are too nostalgic about it, is a very selfish attitude, but I understand both sides).

I only lived there for three years, but it was during a crucial time in my life, high school. It was there that I truly developed into the person who is the foundation of who I am now. It's an odd experience to have, living in a place like that. My sister often describes a kind of Stockholm syndrome for those who once lived there. No matter what, you feel drawn back to the area or to people who were there with you or had lived there too. I've visited that place twice since we moved away.

I know I'm making it seem like there was a major disaster there, rather than just a bit of flooding, but it feels like a big deal to me. I'm sure everyone will be back on their feet in no time.

Here is some of the damage, pics from their Facebook page.

on a much happier note, one of my close friends (who went to school with me and lived in the desert army post as well) recently got married! She is the first of "our group" to tie the knot!!! So, congratulations Mei Mei!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Hello Darkness, My Old Friend. . .

Now, I'm not saying that I'm super excited for winter or anything, or that I'm ready for summer to be over, but I am kind of excited for autumn to roll around. I was able to sneak a quick break in between my shifts today, and chose to go home rather than piddle around the restaurant. When it was time for me to return to work, the wind was trying to blow over all the trees next to my house. There was quite a few clouds above who were trying to rain on us, though unsuccessfully.

The mini tornado that encased the city caused the leaves to fall from their trees and dance around in the air. I love that magical feeling you get when the wind blows leaves or petals around you. The scenery was a pleasant reminder that the world isn't as bad as working in a faux Italian restaurant makes it out to be.

Now, other than complaining about work, or mentioning the weather, or talking about my cats, I hate to say this, but I don't really have anything to talk about right now. I ought to get started on my homework, since its due tomorrow morning. I agreed to work for one of my coworkers who needs a day off, so my evening filled up rather quickly. . . Other than that, nothing is going on. But I'll see how tomorrow turns out.

Oh! Oh! A few things before I go. . . 

Yesterday I bought another full length dress, this time it's all black and the top is more like a t-shirt. It is sooooo comfy, and I don't think I'll ever take it off. Also, during dinner last night, while we were eating on the patio at the restaurant we were at, it started to rain a little. The rain quickly turned into a thunderstorm and we moved inside, mostly so our sever didn't have to get wet. It was quite a delightful experiance. And I finally got around to replacing the protective screen on my iPad (not that any of you would have known this), I am not use to being able to see so clearly on it, not to mention not being able to feel any scratches of grooves in the screen.

It's weird.

Alright, I'll leave you all with this. Enjoy.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Procrastination Station

How have I not learned this by now?


Ok, I'm just going to embarrass myself with this. Right now I'm at dinner with our friend who usually attends our movie nights, so, I can't spend too much time on this.

There was an update for Minecraft yesterday, and I got lucky today when my editor started playing with me, which never happens!!! We've been listening to an audio book that my editor loves, so playing a game like Minecraft is a perfect opportunity to listen to more of it. So, that's what I've been doing all afternoon.

When I was running errands this morning, I went to an office supply store where I bought a new notebook for my Japanese class, as well as an extremely thin pen for writing detailed kanji. My plan is to rewrite my notes in the mini binder I bought, that way I can review the old material as well as have better notes. My handwriting is atrocious, no matter what language I'm writing in.

I'm pondering writing a post completely in Japanese, but chances are it would only show up as blocks for most of my readers, that's if they don't have the correct language pack installed.

Well, its time for dinner, I'm done for now, and I promise I'll try to be more coherent tomorrow


Friday, August 23, 2013

Letting Old Wounds Fester

Ever since I was a kid, I have had problems with my legs hurting at night. Usually after dark, one of my knees would become incredibly sore, and the longer I would stay awake, more of my legs would fall victim to the pain. I've lived with this for all my life, so its no surprise when it happens.

Its just really inconvenient when I have things I need to do,

As soon as I got to work for my evening shift today, my legs were consumed by the ache. This did not have a positive effect on my mood.

Do you know what else made my mood worse?

Incompetent coworkers, that's what.

But I'm not going to waste my time complaining about how frustrated I am. Instead, I want to remind myself of the beautiful weather I saw from inside this prison I call work.

After my lunch shift was over, I went home while I waited to meet with a friend who made a surprise visit the town. The city was surrounded by storm clouds that had erupted from the mountains. By the time I made it back to work, it had started raining. The sun was just below the clouds, which made the rain that much more vibrant. All outside, the sky was tinted yellow as the rain poured down. There was a brief period when the rain slowed, only for it to drown the city seconds later.

I was mesmerized by the view.

If we weren't in the middle of the dinner rush, I would have taken a picture or two.

It helped me forget about how irritated I was with my coworker. However, my frustration returned to me when business died down and I was left to be on my own more and more.

I hope tomorrow is a little better, but for now, I believe the boys over at Achievement Hunter said something about a Minecraft update... I know what I'm doing tonight.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

True Southern Cooking

Alright, remember how I mentioned this fantastic meal I had while I was in the airport a few days ago? Do you also remember that I tried to recreate it for dinner?

Well, here it is!!! Taadaa!!!

I went to the grocery store after school yesterday and picked up a few ingredients.

Butter (two sticks was enough)
Organic chicken (I got the good stuff this time)
A lot of green beans (fresh)
About 10 red potatoes
One big yellow onion
Some carrots (baby or regular, I went with regular because it was cheeper)
And a loaf of sourdough bread (yum)

Mind you, my kitchen is a bit cramped and messy, so, deal with it.

First things first. Get the oven started preheating at 325 (that's the lowest mine goes). While the oven does its thing, start chopping. I slicked the carrots into bite size pieces and placed them in a pot to boil.
Let the carrots boil for. . . a while. . . . 
After those have boiled for at least an hour, pour out the water, ad a fourth stick of butter and half a cup of brown sugar. Maybe a little salt too.
Aright, let those sit for a while now.

Time to cut up 'dem 'taters. Dice the potatoes and put them in a bowl.

Also dice an onion. Don't start crying on my now, it'll be worth it!
Right. Put those in with the potatoes.

Yeah, like that! 
Cover them in olive oil, some salt, pepper, and rosemary. I also added some marjoram flakes, a little bit of dried cilantro, and. . . Um. . . I forgot the rest. 

Well, mix that all up, then pour it on a baking sheet and put it in the oven.

Alright. How about the chicken? Well, that's easy. Take the rest of the butter you used for the carrots (well, in my case, cut 3/4 of a stick and save the rest for the carrots. I did this a little out of order), and cover the chicken in it. The butter I used was already soft, so it was easy. Now, cover the chicken in rosemary and pepper, also shove a bay leaf somewhere in the chicken. Now, put that in a pan and throw it in the oven with the potatoes.
Mmmmmmmm. Buttered chicken...

Now that's out of the way, take the ends off the green beans, rinse them off and throw them in a sauce pan. Put most of a sick of butter in with them, add some minced garlic (fresh or dried), more rosemary, pepper, and a tiny tiny tiny bit of salt (I normally don't use salt). Stir it around and cover it up.
Put that on simmer and walk away.

Actually, let everything cook on low temperatures for a while and walk away. It was at this point that I went off and wrote yesterday's post.

After about an hour and a half, maybe two hours, everything should be done.
Let me tell you, this smelled incredible. I wish I could share that with you. (It also tastes amazing, so, cook it for yourself, ok?)9

Alright, now grab a plate before it gets cold!!! Don't forget the bread, and be sure to smother it in butter too!!!
Oooooh Yeeaaahhh. That looks good!!! 

Now dig in!!! (And be sure to enjoy it with a nice glass of wine, white, preferably).


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The day I don't need a replacement, I'll tell you what the smile of my face meant. . .

My eyes opened this morning and it was as if I had never left. I looked around the room to see the same things I see every morning. The sun thought the curtains. A small cat trying to wake me in her attempts to get breakfast. My editor still fast asleep beside me. 

Was I actually gone these past few days, or were they nothing more then an elaborate dream? 

The melodies of my trip resonated in my ears. I saw the signs of travel all around me. I hate to admit it, but it was true.

Summer was over. 

By the time I climbed out of bed, it was already time for me to get ready for school. I wasted an hour or so on the computer as I always do, then I hopped in the shower. Looking around my bathroom, I noticed everything was exactly how I left it. It took me an extra half an hour to actually put clothes on. Today was one of those days that I wanted to sit and stare at the ceiling in deep thought. However, "ain't no body got time for dat."

The drive to campus was shorter than usual, there was less traffic and most of the construction that plagued the roads all winter was almost finished. I didn't know why I left the house so early, I still had a good 20 minutes before class started by the time I arrived. Trying to find a parking stop between 11am and 2pm is practically impossible, and after wandering the parking lot in hopes of snagging a spot, I gave up and parked at another building. "Ah, right. That's why I come here early" I regarded to myself.

I sat in an empty classroom for 10 minutes before a girl who had been in my previous two classes arrived. We greeted each other and the room feel silent until our instructor walked in with his usual pep. There are 6 people in this class, so small that it technically should have been canceled, but lucky us, we get to still take it!!! The first thing our teacher had us do was sing a song we learned in the first semester of the course. I felt that only the teacher and myself were singing along, the others were so quite. It's hard to sing along to a song you don't know the words too, especially if its in another language, but what the teacher didn't know is that had that song memorized. When he first introduced it to us, I couldn't get it out of my head, I loved it! It placed an odd feeling in my chest and I felt there was a mystery around it. After doing a little research, I realized the singer had died in a plane crash a while back, so I investigated the crash. It was rather well known, so I was surprised. After learning all that, the song didn't bother me as much, and before the month was over, I knew it by heart. (Here is the song if you are curious

After class, I wandered into the common area so see a handful of people I grew fond of over the last semester. I want to be able to spend more time with them, I just don't know, well, how too. . . So, after a minute with them, I snuck away to my car and went home. I stopped by the store to grab ingredients for a meal I am trying to recreate. While in the airport yesterday, I found this fantastic southern style buffet, and it was some of the most incredible tasting food I've had from a restaurant in a long time. (Ill show you all the progress of making that later). 

I spent the rest of my afternoon spending quality time with Commander Shepard and the rest of the Normandy's crew. My sister needed my help with a few things, she pulled me away just in time to get rained on a little. We went back to the grocery store, then went back home when we realized we shouldn't spend any more than we already had. 

My post-travel melancholy seemed to have left me as soon as I immersed myself in cooking, and let me tell you, I'm really looking forward to this meal. 

More than anything, I'm glad to be home. My editor would probably burn the house down if I left him alone for too long, and my roommate might be burned down with the house if they're not careful. (I'm not trying to say that would happen, I just. . .have my doubts sometimes. . . ) The bookshelves that are overflowing with books welcome me in with open arms, and my bed is just as soft as I remember it. I'm back where my kitties need me and I can spend as much I me as I want with them. I'm here with my own little family of weirdos, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Maybe I'm going deaf, maybe I'm going blind, maybe I'm out of my mind. . .

Alright, so as I am hurdling several thousands of miles per hour through the air, allow me to explain what I do and do to like about the airport.

First thing: everything. I don't like pretty much everything about being in an airport because of EVERYTHING. I'm just going to sit here and make grumpy face as I sit and wait for whatever it is I am waiting for. 

Ok, ok, this is what I mean by everything. . . *waves arms around* 

I suppose I'll start with the "waiting" part. I have learned to be more patient in my life than I once used to be, but I still don't like to wait for things that I really don't have to. Things like waiting in line to checkout, or waiting for something to cook, or something along those lines, I don't mind. I don't like how much time I have to spend in an airport just. . . waiting. . . You have to arrive at the airport super early (which really bit us in the ass when we were 10 minutes late to or flight and had to reschedule, causing us to wait even more). After waiting to get your tickets, you have to wade through security, and then you have to wait to get to your terminal (transportation and whatnot). Then it's even more waiting for you to board your plane, and wait to taxi out the the runway, then wait to take off. However long your flight is, well, I just hope you brought something to do. . . Then when you land, wait to get off the plane, possibly get to your next flight if you have one, if not, go wait by the baggage claim. Now go wait for your ride out of the airport, etc. . . etc. . . etc. . . 

So when it comes to being in an airport, I'm an impatient little bastard, deal with it (I have too).

Aright, what else to I not like about the airport, well, it costs too damn much, that's for sure. Everything is ridiculously expensive from the start. Tickets can be anywhere from 300 to 3,000 depending on: A. How early you bought them. B. what airline you are flying with. C. We're you want to sit on the plane. D. How many transfer flights you have (for some reason, its impossible to get a direct flight without being a millionaire). and E. how much luggage you have. Now, that's all just for one person!!! That's insane!!! But wait, there's more!!! You can choose to upgrade your flight to a better spot, or change to a more convent flight (if there is space). Now, what if you get hungry? Everything in airport stores are about 75% more expensive because they are in an airport, and that makes them more. . . special? If you want something other than overly processed food that was hastily thrown together to eat, actual restaurants in airports get to charge so much more for their goods. *waves arms around again* Its incredible!!! 

Now we get into the more personal problems I have with the airport. I, personally, don't like being around a lot of people, and what do airports have? A LOT OF PEOPLE, and they really can't help that. People need to travel, there is nothing wrong with that. But when I look around at people, I see that few people actually look happy. Most people are stressed out from whatever it is that they have to travel for, whether that is family, business, their job, etc, its always stressful. Everyone just wants to stay out of everyone else's way and not have anyone bother them. I am very much like this, I won't bother you if you won't bother me (except if you are my sister, muwahaha). Now, I'm always going to be friendly and polite to those around me, because, well, there really isn't any reason for me to be rude and unreasonable, is there?

I much prefer driving to my destination, even if its more dangerous and time consuming, I love the feeling of driving, and there is more option for sudden adventures!!! 

Alright, there must be something I like about flying, right? Well, yes, there is. Funny enough, the only thing I like about flying is the FLYING part. Feeling the forces of take-off and when the plane lands, I love getting knocked back into my chair as the plane moves. I'm the kind of person who loves going on roller coasters because of how it feels. Blood rushing to everywhere, my stomach pushed down to my hip, my brain sinking into my skull. . . Things that would normally cause severe damage in any other circumstance, I LOVE that. I adore the feeling of the plane rumbling around as we pass through the clouds, and even more so when we have turbulence during a storm. I can't help but feel giddy as I am tossed around my seat. 

When we took off this morning, we were just missing a handful of storms, but we managed to feel quite a bit of turbulence as the plane was going up. As we were bouncing around, I turned to my sister and she had an expression on her face that was the cross between excitement and concern. I told her that it's moment like these that I wish I had a cowboy hat. I motioned around like i was on a roller coater or riding a horse. 

It's a rather terrifying thing when you think about it, going at speeds faster than your brain can quickly process at an altitude that could otherwise kill you under different circumstances. So how do I cope with being in a state that could lead to my death at any moment? Well, with humor of course!!! I can't let myself get too worried about things or I will be incapable of functioning. Live, laugh, learn, or whatever it is that they decorate walls with. Sure, my 'make everything funny' tendency gets me in more trouble than necessary, but it helps me when I have to look back on a situation. I'm serious when it matters, but light hearted and humors during the more stressful parts to maintain a certain level of calm.

If you think about it too hard it won't make sense, just go with it.

Alright, that's all I've got today. See you on the ground, kiddies!!!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Last Minute Hoorah

Tomorrow, we head home. I cannot wait to get back for a number of reasons. I can't wait to snuggle up with my cats and lie in my own bed. I am kind of excited about starting school back up (hopefully for the last time).

However, I am NOT Looking forward to being in the airport all evening. Maybe I'll write about how much I hate the airport tomorrow. But for now, I'm going to go enjoy my last day, sitting around and doing girly things with my family.

Slumber party anyone?
Kitten like to killkillkill mouseytoy.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?

The mountains this morning were drowning in fog, and it was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.
We walked by part of the the Appalachian trail, which was where we snagged the pictures.

As we were walking along, the only thing going through my head was the Song of Healing from the Legend of Zelda series. Over and over, I was humming it to myself, and with every step I took, the more and more the song seemed to fit. I could hear the sounds of the forest, with the creaking of the trees, the wisps of the wind. Even the fog made a sound, but there are no words that I could describe it with.

My sense of adventure awoke in me for a moment. I waned to scale the mountainside, the only thing stopping me was knowing that if I did try, I wouldn't come back. 

Part of the tradition of the area is for people to take their old, worn out hiking shoes and once they obtain new ones from the store next to the trail, they did this with them:
Honestly. . . I've got noting. . . 

Making our way back to the little town, we made a slight detour to a magnificent waterfall. The scenery was incredible.
A small creek.

This was the only point the sun came out. I hadn't seen the sun since Wednesday while I was above the clouds in an airplane.

A preview of the waterfall

Another small branch of the creek

The pools at the base of the waterfall

Let me say this now, I DO NOT LIKE BIG WATER. I AM TERRIFIED OF BIG WATER. I DO NOT LIKE OCEANS, LAKES, RIVERS, OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LARGE NATURAL BODY OF WATER. Pools are fine. I don't know when or why I developed this fear, but it just happened, ok? Now, knowing this about me, this is what happened. . . As soon as I was finished taking all the pictures I wanted, I got the urge to put my electronics in a safe spot, and proceed to jump into the little ponds. I waned to go and splash around in the waterfall, and slide down the slippery rocks the waterfall flows on. The closest thing I could do was roll up my pants and climb up the face of the waterfall. My grandma grabbed my iPad and took a few pictures of me climbing it, but I am too embarrassed to show them. 

I want to do something like that again, but unfortunately we had other destinations to get to. Along the way I snagged a picture of these berries. I thought it was pretty.

At our next location, we went in and out of several shops, the most interesting was a furniture shop that was on the rivers edge. Right before we entered it, we say a chicken coop, which had a little machine where people could buy chicken feed and well, feed the chickens. This was far too much fun and it was a shame that I only had one quarter.
Seriously, they all scrambled together to eat it!!! It was so awesome!!
Look at 'em go!!!
Ambitious little chicken. 

 Now, on the deck overlooking the river, there was something very similar to the chicken feeding thing. . . But with fish food. I was skeptical about where all the fish were located in the river, but I was quickly reassured by the large school of carp who stared up at me, begging for food. I scrabbled to get another 25 cents together to trade in for a quarter. Feeding the carp was a lot of fun, though a little bit scary, watching all those hungry mouths, surfacing, waiting, starving.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to get a good picture of the fishes, they were too far away for my little iPad camera. But, I can see hungry fish at home and feed them for free (kinda). 

We returned home and I had one of the most spectacular steak dinners I've had in a long long time. And since then my family and I have been relaxing, watching a movie, playing on our devices, and I even drew a little. After the excitement of today, I've returned into the reflective state I am so often in. It's time for bed now, so I'm going to give you the same song as before, but it sounds a lot more smooth. 

Try not to pay attention to the extreme creepypasta that surrounds this song. . .

Saturday, August 17, 2013

These Boots Are Made For Walkin. .

"And that's just what they'll do. . . "

That song actually has nothing to do with anything today, but its stuck in my head. . . So, deal with it, ok?

This morning, we got up early and set out for the mountains of Georgia. Now, when I think of mountains, I don't imagine anything on the east coast (or west coast for that matter. . . ) but I think of that monstrous mountain range in the center (sort of) of the country. Now, I'm not crazy about the Rockies, but I do love the way they look and feel. The mountains we were driving through day were so thick and lush with all sorts of trees, vines, and bushes. My sister remarked how she liked these kind of mountains so much more than the ones back where we live. However, I'm pretty sure her opinion is somewhat painted with her obsession with the Robin Hood Prince of Thieves movie from the early 90's. She and I watched that movie all the time as children, and the woods that we are surrounded by here remind me a lot of the forrest that movie as set in. 

This whole week it has been raining non-stop. We have seen everywhere from a constant drizzle to near hurricane conditions. Even after being away from the desert for so long, thanks to our adopted home of the Mojave, we're never quite used to so much rain. I've really been able to enjoy all the grey days, even though it meant that any chance of going to the beach was thrown out the window. When we return home on Tuesday, I'm going to look forward to the bright and sunny mornings, but not the evenings where the sun heats the west-facing side of my house and makes it uncomfortably warm.

Now, you may be wondering what exactly I am doing in the mountains of Georgia? Well, visiting my grandparents, of course! (Not the same ones I saw in the end of June). It's going to be another short visit, but I firmly hold the belief that any time spent together, no matter how short, is worth the time, (however my grandparents don't quite agree). I'm. Not quite sure what to do these next few days. I don't want to just sit around and stare at a screen of any sorts, but that's what we tend to do when we visit families now a days. It makes me sad, I miss all the grand adventures we would all use to have when I was a small child, but I understand that time changes people and not everyone is capable of the activities they once used to be. 

Getting all nostalgic like this always makes me want to lean up against the wall and just stare at the ceiling. All too often, I loose myself in fond memories. There is a species of alien in the Mass Effect series who can vividly relive all of their memories, which was both a blessing and a curse. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I had abilities like that. One of the problems they encounter is the become so absorbed in their memories that it sometimes conflicts with their present lives. 

I've mentioned it before how uncertain I am about the future and becoming a full fledged adult. One of my favorite bands, Placebo, who I became obsessed with right at the start of high school, always makes the most beautiful and profoundly accurate songs about, well, life. "This Picture" has one of my favorite lines about this part of humanity. 

"Sometimes it's fated
We Disintegrated it
For fear of growing old
Sometimes it's fated
We Assassinated it
For fear of growing old
Can't stop growing old..."

And that's how I really feel about it, helpless to stop it, but still willing to face it. 
To wrap it all up, here is a picture I drew a while ago of myself as a child, getting into trouble. 

Alright, the well in my brain is dry, itsbedtimeright. 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Another Leg in the Grand Adventure. . .

Part of the adventures when I get to visit my parents in the cultural hub that they live in, is that we get to go see all the historical sites in the area. Today we went to something called Drayton Hall, which was a VERY old plantation house. I am always amazed by how well places like that has survived, especially for over 200 years. As we explored the building, I thought to myself how wonderful it would be to be able to see the building when it was first built. Of course, this would require a time machine of sorts and other rather interesting devices, so, in other words, don't get your hopes up, kid.

Now, this made me think of one of the major plot devices and key game play aspects of Bioshock Infinite. Part of the story (no spoilers, I promise) is that the girl you are sent to obtain is able to 'tear' apart reality and see into different dimensions. If a tear is large enough for people to go through, it's a one way trip. So, using this method, if I were able to visit a different time, like when the house I mentioned was in, there would be a bad chance that I would be stuck in that time/reality. 

There are a lot of different stories that I have seen that use mechanics that invoke dimension crossing/universe jumping. It makes a great concept, but sometimes it gets too complicated and people loose interest. 

IN OTHER NEWS, my mother's new former foster kitten is so much fun to play with. Now, she already has waaaaaay more cats than she needs, but its hard to say no when my father rescues a lot of animals. This kitten was supposed to just be a foster but she ran into some health issues, and making a lot story short, she ended up keeping this little monster. It's sweet to see how well this little kitten gets along with all the other animals, as well as seeing how much she adores my mother. 

You can read all about this kitten and many of my mothers adventures in her blog:

Truth be told, she is the person I am copying in my daily-blog-thing. It a lot of fun, so. . . Thanks Mom!!!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Radio Waves from a Distance

I am an evil genius, without a doubt. The kind of trouble I cause is small in scale, but reverberates and causes shockwaves for quite some time. The chaos I cause is purely for fun. For my a latest cunning plot, I have kidnapped someone.

I wasn't able to say anything about it until now because it was a secret plan. Which means now that I've put it into play, I get to rant about yesterdays adventure. So, this is what happened. . .

A few weeks ago, I learned that my best friend from high school was going to be visiting the area where my mother lives. My mother and I, being the sneaky and cunning little bastards we are, decided that we would plan mine and my sister's visit, and not tell my, who I will refer to as the multi-artist. We successfully kept our plan secret so we can keep it a surprise her.

On another note, I really hate the airport. I don't like the process of flying and how much of a hassle it is to accomplish anything there. So, remember how I spent all of Tuesday cleaning my room? I did that so I could pack for my 6:30 am flight. It was our plan to be packed and be out the door by 4:30 or so, we intended to stay awake the whole night and my editor could sleep when he returned home after dropping us off, and we would sleep on the plane.

This part was where it failed horribly. My sister had just come home from a dig in the mountains and hadn't packed for our trip until 4:30 am. Adding insult to injury, we didn't get on the road until 5:00, and its an hour drive to the airport. We arrived at 6:00 which was just too late for us to make our flight. To catch a flight at 8:00, it would have been an extra 2,000 dollars, which would be impossible for us to be able to pay. We were able to snag a flight at noon, so my sister and I had a lot if time to waste.

Believe me, I wanted to rant and complain about how much I hate the airport, but we still had to keep it a secret. So, sorry about the time waster from yesterday.

We were supposed to arrive just after 4:00, bur due to our delay, we didn't arrive until 7:00 or so. My mother picked us up, we had a quick dinner, and went on a two hour drive to see my friend. She had made plans with my friend to see her for dinner, and those plans were delayed because of us. It was part of the grand scheme of things that we were going to surprise my friend during dinner. We had rearranged our schedule for us to have late night drinks.

It was just after midnight when we managed to meet up with my friend. She was only expecting my mother, so when I got out of the car, she ran over and we embraced in a manly hug. A few hours prior, I was talking to her on the phone, still trying to convince her I was in my home. She had made a joke about me making her a sandwich and I needed to find a way to deliver it to her. Trying not to be heard in the car, my mother was holding her hand over her mouth, giggling. She gave me the brilliant idea to show up with a sandwich which I did.

I felt bad for keeping my friend's grandmother up so late, especially because they were supposed to drive back to Alabama in the morning. I talked it over with my mother, and we agreed that the best chance we had to actually spend time with my friend was to kidnap her. As soon as we met with her, I threw the idea towards her and her grandmother. With a little reluctance and irritation (mostly because she was very tired), she agreed to let us steal her granddaughter.

We spent a bit of time catching up in the car ride back, though thanks to the amazing technology we have, we didn't have too much to say. All of us were exhausted, so by the time we got to my mother's house, we all collapsed.

The plan after that point was to meet back up with her grandmother and give her back. For this to happen, we had to be awake and ready to go at the time of day when no person should be awake, also known as 7:30. (note: we are two time zones ahead, so regardless of what time it really was, I was going to be too tired to move). After we got our thinking caps on, my friend had the magnificent idea to stay longer and take a bus home tomorrow night. Her grandmother agreed to the idea and that leaves us where we are now.

I'm happy no matter what because I get to spend time with people who are very important to me. But right now, itsbedtimeright?

sigh. . . I miss my cats already.

EXTRA NOTE: The title of today's post is the name of my friend's blog, you can read it here:
check it out so you can hear her side of the story!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


So, my phone does this wonderful thing where it has a set of predetermined words that I might use when I type. I was able to figure out how to type a post using my phone (it was a lot more complicated than it needed to be).

Using only the second predicted word, I will now compose a masterpiece for you.

I am so excited about it is possible for you are going on here at work on it to you by using this website for all you want the same way you lie with you in your head and shoulders to a lot and a number is it possible and my sister has also written and oral history to the east and north east side effects are going in to see it is the first and foremost of my favorite parts.

ok, that one didn't work the way I wanted it to. Let's try this again.

yet but the likely will take the lead of his career he played in games and Justin used for informational and my friend from a different kind sir he said to me in my room to get out this song on their website to download and print on a regular on your computer to work today to discuss how you doing tonight with the exception is not only to be able bodied men.

alright, I quit. I'll post something that is more coherent tomorrow. I have things to do.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Preparing for Battle

Anytime a very large event in my life, be it school, a new job, travel, or visitors, I panic clean. Ok, that's not completely true, I panic clean on a regular basis because that what i do. Do you remember waaaaay back in June when we were about to go to New Mexico? We had very intention of getting the house clean before we left and only got about halfway there. . . Well now, with classes coming up in less than a week, I figured I needed to tackle the huge laundry pile that had conquered my bedroom over the last few months.

Now, I am an incredibly messy person, but I do try and clean up fairly often. My worst enemy when it comes to a clean bedroom is laundry. After a long trip and I have to unpack, I'll live out of my suitcase for quite a long time. Or when I have a freshly cleaned room and its time to do laundry I will ultimately fail in putting away my clean clothes and the chaos soon spreads. 

You can imagine how irritated my editor gets with me when he had to deal with my laundry. But to be fair, I have to deal with his laundry too. So, mleh!

I started this morning out by moving all the laundry that was on my floor into the hallway. I sorted them out by color and have been doing my best to get them clean within a reasonable time frame, so it's all done today. We picked up all the everythings off the floor, hand scraped a large bit off the cat hair from the carpet (so it wouldn't clog the vacuum cleaner), and vacuumed. Also clean bed sheets are the best thing ever. So while we wait for the laundry to finish, I've cleaned off my dresser and started to sort through the massive amounts of jewelry I have. Eventually, I'll have a whole pile of things I can give up for goodwill. 

It's going to be a long night, but I love the feeling of living in a clean house, even if its only for a little while until I've ignored it enough that its overflowing again. I dream of the day where I can live in a real house (rather than the apparent thing I live in), and I'm wishing for a home with a large enough living room where I can have an office and an entertainment space all in one place (kind of like what I have now, but much less crowded).

Aright. That's it for me today. No video games to go back to, but whatever.

Also, she was helping.

I really need a shower. . . 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Monsoon Season

I'm just going to say this now. . .

I've done nothing today, and I don't regret it. It started pouring rain outside and it was at this moment that I relaid i should get this out of the way. . . 

Rain seems to be a common theme in my writings, mostly because its something that helps me come back down to earth. 

For instance, on our way home from our adventurous outing on Saturday, the rain made its entrance while we were still several blocks from home. There had been a small confrontation and it helped us calm down. And when I stuck at work and I see the rain through the windows, I find comfort in knowing its there.

The funny thing is, is not a huge fan of water, like oceans, lakes, rivers, or whatever. I like swimming in man made pools, mostly because I have a rather inconvenient fear of large bodies of water. So when big storms roll around and flood the ground, I love it.

It's the storm part that I love. I mentioned how they can be scary at times, but I love the rumbling of thunder, especially late at night.

Well, I'm going to get back to doing nothing and enjoying the rain. Here are some pictures of Winny with Abbey in the way of the camera.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

A day that only chocolate milk can make better.

Part of me being, well, me, is that no matter what I do, I'm always kind of the odd one out of the group. Though now a days, I usually stay separated on purpose, I do still try and 'fit in' every now and then. It's the little things really. Like, just wanting to be part of a conversation or at least not being creepy when I over hear something. Or feeling like I belong somewhere.

This 'struggle' has been a common theme all throuout my life, with the exception of high school where I had my own crowd, at least until we all went our separate ways. Days like today really remind me that I'm pretty much on my own in the world. Solitude has always been my friend, but those times where I can enjoy the company of another person have become few and far between.

Sure, I have a small and close group of friends I see every now and then, but when it comes to a more 'am I accepted into society' kind of sense, I am extremely left out. And that's just my normal nature. 
My sixth grade principal once described me as "not quite thinking outside the box, but more thinking that there is no box." It is a very true statement about my line of thinking, or at least my processes. 

So while I was driving back to work after my very short break, this song played in my car:

I used to watch Fantasia all the time as a small kid, and I always remember this part and how I felt about it. I always felt like I was the tiny little mushroom trying to jump into the crowd of the bigger mushrooms, wanting to belong. I'd try and try to join in with the adults and ultimately feel overshadowed and I'd fall back out. That's how I feel all too often when I meet up with my extended family who have all done great things and have successful careers, while I'm still wasting my time, playing video games, working at a restaurant, and still without a degree. 

Such is the life. . . 

On a much fluffier note, my sister's new roommate's former roommate had this cat, and I guess she suddenly decided she didn't want it anymore so she had my sister take it away while her roommate is out of town. So, while my sister is away this week, I'm taking care of her animals like I always do, including our new guest, Dmitri. The first few days were tough because he was still scared and unsure of his new environment, and his first response to something I did was to attack me. I politely shoved him back and told him 'no hitting' which he would stare at me a little, then we'd go back to snuggling. He's an absolute sweetheart. Today when I came in to give him dinner, he immediately came to my side and snuggled as hard as he could. He has accepted me, and I kind of wish I could steal him. However, after thinking this to my self, I walked back to my home where I was greeted by two very judging faces who made me feel guily for spending time with other cats. 

Such is the life, indeed.