Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Release the Kracken

I really hate the phrase "woke up on the wrong side of the bed" so much. The worst part is, that is exactly how I started my day out. Nothing was what I needed it to be, but I didn't exactly know what that was, either. . . 

I couldn't get comfortable in my own skin, I was either too hot or just in the wrong position. I was hoping that I would feel better after I showered, but it didn't help. I was still frustrated when I went to class, I relaxed a little, but the feeling didn't last. I had planned on hanging around campus for lunch and socializing with some acquaintances, but one of the people I really wanted to see wasn't there, the other was busy, and one more person who I tried starting a conversation with blew me off completely. So, I gave up and went home.

I was able to find comfort in watching "my programs" which consisted on videos about video games.  I was cutting it close for when I had to get to work, but after I arrived, I had realized I did not want to be at work. I was lucky enough to get off an hour early, which made my night much better.

Most of what I intended to write about today was how I felt like a raging dragon. But now that I've calmed down considerably, I completely lost all my mojo. My editor and I spent some time outside, just, taking. It was lovely out. So now I'm back inside, watching old MineCraft let's plays with my editor, drinking Lambic.

And watching Moosie try and eat my sandwich.

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