Saturday, August 17, 2013

These Boots Are Made For Walkin. .

"And that's just what they'll do. . . "

That song actually has nothing to do with anything today, but its stuck in my head. . . So, deal with it, ok?

This morning, we got up early and set out for the mountains of Georgia. Now, when I think of mountains, I don't imagine anything on the east coast (or west coast for that matter. . . ) but I think of that monstrous mountain range in the center (sort of) of the country. Now, I'm not crazy about the Rockies, but I do love the way they look and feel. The mountains we were driving through day were so thick and lush with all sorts of trees, vines, and bushes. My sister remarked how she liked these kind of mountains so much more than the ones back where we live. However, I'm pretty sure her opinion is somewhat painted with her obsession with the Robin Hood Prince of Thieves movie from the early 90's. She and I watched that movie all the time as children, and the woods that we are surrounded by here remind me a lot of the forrest that movie as set in. 

This whole week it has been raining non-stop. We have seen everywhere from a constant drizzle to near hurricane conditions. Even after being away from the desert for so long, thanks to our adopted home of the Mojave, we're never quite used to so much rain. I've really been able to enjoy all the grey days, even though it meant that any chance of going to the beach was thrown out the window. When we return home on Tuesday, I'm going to look forward to the bright and sunny mornings, but not the evenings where the sun heats the west-facing side of my house and makes it uncomfortably warm.

Now, you may be wondering what exactly I am doing in the mountains of Georgia? Well, visiting my grandparents, of course! (Not the same ones I saw in the end of June). It's going to be another short visit, but I firmly hold the belief that any time spent together, no matter how short, is worth the time, (however my grandparents don't quite agree). I'm. Not quite sure what to do these next few days. I don't want to just sit around and stare at a screen of any sorts, but that's what we tend to do when we visit families now a days. It makes me sad, I miss all the grand adventures we would all use to have when I was a small child, but I understand that time changes people and not everyone is capable of the activities they once used to be. 

Getting all nostalgic like this always makes me want to lean up against the wall and just stare at the ceiling. All too often, I loose myself in fond memories. There is a species of alien in the Mass Effect series who can vividly relive all of their memories, which was both a blessing and a curse. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I had abilities like that. One of the problems they encounter is the become so absorbed in their memories that it sometimes conflicts with their present lives. 

I've mentioned it before how uncertain I am about the future and becoming a full fledged adult. One of my favorite bands, Placebo, who I became obsessed with right at the start of high school, always makes the most beautiful and profoundly accurate songs about, well, life. "This Picture" has one of my favorite lines about this part of humanity. 

"Sometimes it's fated
We Disintegrated it
For fear of growing old
Sometimes it's fated
We Assassinated it
For fear of growing old
Can't stop growing old..."

And that's how I really feel about it, helpless to stop it, but still willing to face it. 
To wrap it all up, here is a picture I drew a while ago of myself as a child, getting into trouble. 

Alright, the well in my brain is dry, itsbedtimeright. 

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