Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I just came to tell you how fabulous I am!

I don't have a lot of time, but I can at least make this post in the 15 minutes I have before I'm due back to work. So, what can I talk about?

I know! Me! (Get it, cause its a blog all about me and my adventures. . . I know the humor is a little hard to grasp sometimes).

Well, I like shiny things, like anything that sparkles. This also includes things that are reflective, like mirrors. Anytime I'm near a mirror, I have to look at myself. It's hard not to make faces at the person looking back at me though.

Speaking of faces, my friend the multi-artist (she might as well be called my best friend, but I have so many), anyway, we have started speaking to each other with pictures of our faces making silly expressions. 

This is an example of the kind of things we do, but this is not a picture of us. These two are popular youtubers I follow, their channel is found through Rooster Teeth. They are the SloMo Guys (its really awesome, look at their stuff)
I stole this pick from Gavin's twitter account.

This is how we talk. I make a stupid face, take a picture of it, and wait for her to respond.

Eventually, I'll post some of the faces I've made, but they are kind of silly and embarrassing, so I'm not gonna yet. 

Right, back to work.


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