Anyway, after we retuned home from our appointment, my editor promptly fell back asleep and I proceeded to get ready for work. I couldn't help but feel like my management forgot to put me on the schedule for lunch. I figured that I should show up anyway and let them know that I am there if they needed me, you know, just incase I actually was supposed to work.
After engaging in my Wednesday morning ritual of reading the latest chapter of Naruto, I trotted off to work. I arrived right on time and walked up to the host to inquire whether or not they remembered that I wants to work. They didn't. But, the host told me that one of the other severs called out sick today (and my goodness did she need the day off, since she'd been working a few weeks straight and had been sick with some mystery illness the whole time, but that's another rant for later. Get well soon!). Since they were down a server, I went to the back, put on my apron and got ready, incase they wanted me on.
I went and talked to the assistant manager (since the manager was busy with a delivery) and asked for his opinion. He, the host, and I all stood and thought about the situation for a moment when the host said: "Ok, here is what's going to happen. If we bring you on, it's going to be super slow. However, if you go home, we're going to get super busy." To which the assistant manager thought aloud 'so, do I want one extra server to be safe or down one and be not. . . " There was no guarantee that it would get busy today, so he decided to live a little dangerously and told me "go enjoy the day off."
He joked about how lovely the weather is for a day off and I told him that I spent my last two days off inside playing video games. Which is exactly what I had planned to do when I got home. And you know what? I didn't event want to work today anyway! So. . . Yay!!!
It wasn't until about one in the afternoon when I woke my editor from his deep slumber and had to unfortunately remind him that he was supposed to go to work in an hour. He spilled out of bed and we decided to be typical fat Americans and get cheeseburgers for lunch. In retrospect, this may not have been a great idea.
I've told you how my car likes to overheat? Well, the traffic around where my editor works was murder on my car. There was a lot of traffic, construction, and not to mention insane drivers trying to make it back for their lunch break. After we got our food, we stood in this traffic line for almost 10 minutes before I panicked and had to drop my editor off a few blocks away and told him to walk. The car was so close to overheating I was honestly scared. Luckily, while we pulled over for him to get out, I nearly ran over my sisters ex-boyfriend. He is a really cool guy and it was great to see him again!
It was sweltering drive home, with the car close to combusting and my skin close to melting off. Right after I ate, my stomach didn't seem to like this idea and sent me in a world of hurt for the past few hours. Luckily, I'm able to stand again without feeling extremely nauseous. I had stopped my galactic adventure for at least an hour totally while I was forced to be horizontal while my stomach threw its hissy fit. I'm not looking forward to the next time that happens, I'm just glad I got to say home for it.
On another and much more kawaii note, my goodness am I about to bombard you all with pictures of cats. It stated last night after we returned home from seeing Pacific Rim (which was a fantastic movie, pulling all the right nerd strings on my and all my weeaboo strings as well). My editor and I went to bed and my boy cat, who must always make us aware that 'itsbedtimeright,' jumped on the bed ands began to settle. And by 'settle' I mean dance around for ten minted and swap positions ever five minutes until he is satisfied. He bounced between my pillow, on top of my head, our knees, and right in between us at our chests.
Here we see the proud beast in his natural state, snuggling by my side while I am in pain.
Seriously, could I have ever asked for a more perfect and loyal cat?
And beautiful.
And then there is this one, who allowed me to place her in the hammer while I was. . . Er. . 'In the office.'
And she contained to be there until I took her out.
She seems to pleased with herself.
Oh yes, and let us not forget mommy's little monster.
That's a snuggle-monster.
She spends a large portion of her time with me while it playing video games like this, resting on one thigh, clawing my kneecaps off.
Oh dat face
Hang on, I need to get a few more pictures. . .
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