Monday, July 22, 2013

They had a broken keyboard, I bought a broken keyboard.

Today was not the day I expected it to be. I had planned to get up early, drag my editor out of bed, go to bank, and get a fancy lunch at an Ethiopian restaurant.

Well, I woke up at 10:30 (the restaurant had a buffet from 11 to 12 and I didn't want to miss it) so I did my damnedest to wake the slumbering monster at my side. I was only successful when my tuxedo cat came to my assistance, for she had been responsible for my waking, in her usual fashion, she stood on the sensitive parts of our bodies until we succumbed to her weight. After dragging a bit, we managed to get to the restaurant with half an hour to spare. However, I ate way too quickly and almost had to waste my wonderful meal while my stomach threw a hissy fit. I got better, and continued to nom away. 

Afterwords, thanks to an inspiring dream I had, I wanted to obtain one of those short sleeve (or no) full length dresses that are incredibly popular. I did not find one I wanted for a reasonable price, but I did find a few bras on sale in my size, however, they are more like battle armor. 

The day took a rather dark and moody turn at this point, so I'm not going to talk about that. After things settled, I had to drive my editor to work and on the way I decided to drag my sister out thrift shopping.

I really wanted a long dress.

We spent the next two hours in this local thrift store (its my favorite!!!) and found all sorts of crap we didn't need or had use for, but we wanted it. I had this lottery fantasy where I have enough money to open a restaurant. So every time we came across a large group of identical anythings, I would think how wonderful it would look in my imaginary restaurant.

It wasn't long after we were finished at the first store that we got word from my editor saying he'd gotten off work early. Before we went to get him, we stopped at another thrift store where I found a playstation 1, with a memory card and two controllers. It was $13, so yes, I bought it. If it doesn't work, I can see if I can fix it, if not, I've got 10 days to return it. 

I really hope it works. I think it was when I was in 3rd grade that my grandparents bought me a PS1 for Christmas, and thanks to me being the destructive little child I was, it didn't last more than 3 years. I still have fond memories of the games I played, and I hope to be able to find them again, assuming I can get this one working.

Once we picked up my editor, we went to a lovely little Chinese restaurant. We spent most of the meal giggling about who knows what. At least we've got great leftovers now!

But, I promised my sister that we'd get some exercising in today, so I'm off for a quick run, than it'll probably be my bedtime.

I'm still hoping my editor will let me cut his hair tonight, he desperately needs a haircut.


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