Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Yea, and verily. . .

Is a double movie night, and we just got out of the new Much Ado About Nothing, which was fantastic. As a HUGE firefly fan and viewing Joss Whedon as the closest thing to God, I felt that this was a delightful re-imagining of the story. The background comedy had me laughing even in the most serious of moments. 

The only problem I had is I, personally, couldn't follow the Shakespearean speak. To me it followed as well as the 'Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like' meme. But, luckily, the modern setting and use of body language made it easy for me to follow along, 

Aside from playing more Mass Effect, I haven't done much of anything these past few days. I'm padding this from a very wonderful Mexican restaurant across from the movie theater. After we are finished with dinner, its back to the theater for us! 

When we first saw the preview for Pacific Rim, the thing that caught mine and my editor's eyes (well, ears, really) is a certain robotic voice. I don't know why they had it, but they got the woman who voices the magnificent GLADoS in the Portal games that I am crazy about. Ellen McClane, who an opera singer, lent her voice for the game series that we all love, and I guess gets to reprise her mechanical role In this movie.

That's why we are going to see it. For science. (Portal reference). 

From what I've heard, its pretty good. So, we're excited. 

Aside from adventuring around the theaters, all the exercise I did yesterday has caught up to me, I am sore all over. That, and this pineapple sangria is starting to kick in, so I'm going to stop before I butcher the English language any further. 

It's nights like this that I am glad that I walked to my current location, that, and the traffic getting here was murder and would have killed my car. Literally. It overheats so quickly. . . 

Luckily, the view of the mountains from the mall is the best in town!

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