I thought to myself the whole way, 'what if a tornado hits?' I had no idea what I was going to do. Would I be able to drive through it and outrun it? Would I make it home? Hundreds of scenarios played out in my head; however, I had no other option but to keep going.
I was relieved when finally I was under clear skies, though it didn't ease my worries completely. I had been in a lot of storms before. Thunderstorms, hurricanes, blizzards, windstorms, you name it. I have always loved watching them too; heck, even now I still love it. But recently, storms have been making me feel uneasy.
We are staying with my editor's parents who live out in the country. Last night it started raining, which is always good for being in the desert, but the storm was a little too powerful. The rain blew in sideways and made the house shake. The power went out a few time, making the lights blink on and off. The entire time I wanted to do nothing but wrap myself in a blanket and stare out the window until it was over.
That's what I have always done when a big storm hits. I remember living on the east coast and ever summer there was at least two hurricanes we had to sit through. It was either third or fourth grade when Hurricane Fran hit. I remember being in the living room with my family, starring out the huge front windows and watching the storm, however I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, I woke up and it was bright and sunny outside.
Another occasion was during my sixth grade school camping trip. The second to last night, they had to clear all the students out of their cabins and move them to a museum/shelter because there was a severe tornado warning outside. Everyone was a mixture of terrified and thrilled to see their friends this late at night. I, however, had gotten sick that afternoon and curled up in a corner and slept until they woke me when it was over.
All these memories flow into my mind every time I witness a large storm. This whole time that I've been writing, we've been driving around town while a nice rainstorm has blown by.
Ok. Time for pizza.
Storms are fun unless you're driving in them. Then they suck.