This. . . is the process. . . of how I put on makeup.
I'm sorry to bore all my viewers with a Y chromosome, but I felt that it would be fun to show this. So, bare with me and let's jump into . . .
Ok, first things first. Wash yo damn face. It's best to do this after a shower or something like that. Since I have work in the mornings, I usually wake up, piddle around on the Internet for a bit, play with my cats, then shower and get ready for work. This process of putting on make-up doesn't take more that about 30 minutes.
See? Freshly clean face.
Now, to make everything look even and smooth, I bought powdered foundation for my face. Be careful to match your skin tone correctly, otherwise you at gonna look mighty silly.
Good. Now be sure to put a little lotion or some kind of moisturizer over the area where you will be applying eyeshadow. That way it looks more smooth and stays on longer!
Don't forget to wear shades that match your look. I've got light blonde hair and aqua green eyes, so today, I'm going to start with gold!
I only apply the gold eyeshadow on the inner halves of my eyelids.
Next, add the shadowy color. Today I went with a nice deep olive green. Other days I might go with pink. I don't really use other colors than those.
Be careful when applying the dark colors, if you have too much, it looks very sloppy. Apply only where it's needed, like right on the outside of your eyelid.
Now lets make big eyes! Mascara is perfect for this job. Don't be afraid to spend a little on a good quality mascara, otherwise it will clump and be very uncomfortable.

Because I am on the more pale side of the spectrum, I only use brown eyeliner (which I rarely do) and brown mascara. Wearing black is too dark for me and doesn't look natural.
Aright, now for the fun part, eyebrows. This is where my talents as an artists really help. I use two different brown eyebrow pencils for this, a light and a dark. Start with the light and 'sketch' the shape of your eyebrow. Follow the natural pattern that your eyebrows grow in.
As you can see, mine are already starting to grow back.
Now do a very similar thing for the darker color.
Afraid that it looks a bit rough? Fear not! Eyebrows are made up of tiny hairs, which look sketchy by nature! The pencils came with an eyebrow comb which I use, scratching against my skin to smooth out the pencil.
Now, my eyebrows look a little dark for my face, so I'm going to dab on a little of the foundation to lighten them.
Can't tell the difference, right?
Finally, I need something to 'hold' my carefully applied make-up in place. If you have ever worked with charcoals or pastels, you know that you spray the paper with hairspray to hold down the picture, making sure it doesn't get smudged. Same goes here. Just a quick spray of hairspray over my eyes and taadaa! All done. It's going to sting a little, so be careful not to get any in your eye.
Once it's dry, wiggle your face around, making different expressions so that your makeup isn't stiff. Hopefully, this natural look will hold trough your day and will fool anyone into thinking that your face ism perfectly normal!

And there you have it! They may not have the same texture as real eyebrows, but its pretty damn close and the only way people might notice the difference is if they have been staring at you for a good long while.
Aright. Back to work now.
Hairspray over your eyes? Yikes! Sounds effective, but scary to do.